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Irish Board Acting Performance Examinations provide an opportunity for candidates, either on their own (solo) or with a colleague (duologue), to display what they have learned in drama class, in a secure, encouraging and non-competitive atmosphere.
Please refer to the section ‘How Irish Board Examiners Assess Candidates’ for detailed guidelines on the criteria used by the Irish Board during the examinations. In general, however, our examiners will be assessing each candidate’s ability to create a character in a dramatic context, and to convey the character and story of the selection in a convincing manner to an audience, using voice, movement, gesture and space. Pace variation and appropriate modulation should be used. Each candidate should choose a piece or pieces which are appropriate for his/her age. Simple costumes are permitted, as are simple props.
It is important in an acting performance examination for candidates to show that they can MOVE and GESTURE appropriately. A failure to do this may result in a significant reduction in marks awarded, so we advise teachers and candidates to choose pieces in which all of the skills of acting may be displayed.
You will find mime definitions in our Grade Theory Guide which you can download free of charge.
For unprepared improvisations, each candidate will be given a list of topics by the examiner in the examination room during the examination. The candidate(s) will be given approximately one minute to prepare the improvisation. In the Acting Performance Examinations, 70% will be required for a pass. All candidates achieving 70% or over will receive a Certificate. Candidates who receive 80% or more will receive a certificate and an Irish Board of Speech and Drama Acting Medal.
Examination fees are available here. Please note that you must have at least 20 candidates to be eligible for a face-to-face examination (this does not apply for Zoom and Video exams).
Syllabus 2024-25
Solos and Duologues
Junior Acting Performance Examinations
Junior One Suggested ages: 6 – 8 years
- Announce and perform a two minute dramatic selection
- Announce and perform a one minute occupational mime
Junior Two Suggested ages: 8 – 9 years
- Announce and perform a two minute dramatic selection
- Announce and perform a one minute story mime
Junior Three Suggested ages: 9 – 10 years
- Announce and perform a two minute dramatic selection
- Announce and perform a one minute character mime
Junior Four Suggested ages: 10 – 12 years
- Announce and perform a two minute dramatic selection
- Announce and perform a one minute abstract mime
Intermediate Acting Performance Examinations
Intermediate One Suggested ages: 10 – 12 years
- Announce and perform a three minute dramatic selection from any period
- Announce and perform a one minute unprepared improvisation [a choice of subjects will be provided by the examiner in the examination room]
Intermediate Two Suggested ages: 12 – 14 years
- Announce and perform a three minute dramatic selection written after 1900
- Announce and perform a one minute unprepared improvisation [a choice of subjects will be provided by the examiner in the examination room]
Intermediate Three Suggested ages: 14 – 16 years
- Announce and perform a three minute dramatic selection written by or adapted from the work of an Irish author/ playwright
- Announce and perform a one minute unprepared improvisation [a choice of subjects will be provided by the examiner in the examination room]
Intermediate Four Suggested ages: 15 – 17 years
- Announce and perform a three minute dramatic selection written before 1900
- Announce and perform a one minute unprepared improvisation [a choice of subjects will be provided by the examiner in the examination room]
Senior Acting Performance Examinations
Senior One Ages 15 and over
- Announce and perform a three minute dramatic selection taken/adapted from a play of literary merit
- Announce and perform a short prepared story mime OR Announce and perform a piece of movement to music, choreographed by the candidate(s)
- Announce and perform a one minute unprepared improvisation [a choice of subjects will be provided by the examiner in the examination room]
- Discuss with the examiner how you prepared for your performance of your selected pieces
- Carry out simple stage directions
Senior Two Ages 16 and over
- Announce and perform a three minute dramatic selection taken/adapted from a play of literary merit
- Announce and perform a short prepared abstract mime OR Announce and perform a piece of movement to music, choreographed by the candidate(s)
- Announce and perform a one minute unprepared improvisation [a choice of subjects will be provided by the examiner in the examination room]
- Discuss with the examiner how you prepared for your performance of your selected pieces
- Discuss with the examiner the use of movement and gesture in your dramatic selection
Acting Proficiency Examination
The candidate must be at least 16 years of age and have been studying speech and drama for at least 3 years. A letter from a recognised teacher of Speech and Drama to this effect will be required.
- Introduce and perform a three minute drama selection taken or adapted from a play of literary merit
- Speak a Shakespearean sonnet, OR Introduce and perform approximately 16 lines from any play by Shakespeare, in dramatic form
- Introduce and perform a short own choice mime OR A short piece of movement to music, choreographed by the candidate
- Introduce and perform a three minute dramatic selection, in a contrasting style from requirement 1 above. (This piece may take the form of a duologue to be presented with another candidate for the Acting Proficiency Certificate examination)
- Submit a written portfolio containing the following:
a) notes on the character chosen in requirement 1 of the examination
b) an explanation of how the candidate studied his/her dramatic selections
c) an explanation of how the use of pitch, pace, inflection and pause enhances a dramatic performance
The candidate will be expected to attain a high standard of performance in order to pass this examination. 70% will be required for a pass. A successful candidate will be awarded the Acting Proficiency Certificate from the Irish Board of Speech and Drama. Those obtaining 85% and over will also receive the special Irish Board Silver Acting Medal.