The next session of the Irish Board of Speech & Drama Diploma examinations will take place on Sunday 30 November 2014.
Category: News
January 2014 Newsletter
Here the link to our January 2014 Newsletter which has been sent to all teachers on our mailing list.
Happy New Year!!
‘A Selection of Speech and Drama Solos, Duologues, Prose and Recitals’ has been published by the Irish Board of Speech and Drama. Compiled by Deirdre Galassi and Finola Ryan, the book contains a new and vibrant collection of pieces adapted and collated from works by Yeats, Joyce, Chekhov, Woolf and others.
The Way of the World by William Congreve
The Two Faces of Jane Eyre
The Two Faces of Eliza Doolittle
The Only Jealousy of Emer by W.B. Yeats
The Land of Heart’s Desire by W.B. Yeats
Uncle Vanya by Anton Chekhov
Lines from
The Dead by James Joyce
The Making of a Marchioness by Frances Hodgson Burnett
To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf
Deirdre of the Sorrows
St. Joan of Arc
William Butler Yeats
Advice on how to prepare a Solo Selection
Character Chart
To order from, go HERE
IBSD Library Catalogue
We added some books to our library over the summer months. Poetry books, monologues, LAMDA anthologies and quite a few theory books/ teaching guides.
We’ve updated our library catalogue and this is now browseable online, through a rather remarkable website called ISSUU. Here’s the link:
IBSD Library Catalogue September 2013
When you click on this link, you’ll be brought to the catalogue. You can scroll through it, enlarge it and search it using the icons on the screen.
If you want a copy, please contact us and we’ll email you one.
You are more than welcome to visit us and browse the books in person. Just phone us on 01-2164270 to arrange a time.
If we get time, we’re hoping to review some of our new accessions soon.
Associate (Teaching) Reading List
We’ve had a few requests for a suggested reading list for the Diploma of Associate (Teaching). Here it is: Associate Diploma (Teaching) Suggested Reading
2013-14 Entry Forms
Entry forms for the forthcoming year are now available for download from the Downloads section of this site: here
Diploma Dates 2013-14
The dates for the Diploma exams in the 2013-14 academic year are:
Sunday 1 December 2013 (closing date for receipt of entry forms and fees: 1 November 2013)
Sunday 8 June 2014 (closing date for receipt of entry forms and fees: 1 May 2014)
Eligibility criteria, Entry Forms and past papers are available in the downloads section of this site.
Please don’t hesitate to contact the Irish Board if you have any queries.
Diploma Closing Date
The closing date for the receipt of fully completed Entry Forms and fees from new and continuing candidates for the next session of the Irish Board Diploma examinations is Wednesday 1 May 2013. Late entries will not be accepted.
You’ll find entry forms in the Downloads section of this website. Otherwise ring or email us and we’ll send you one in the post.
Please pay particular attention to the eligibility criteria.
The Diploma exams will take place on Sunday 9 June 2013.
Diploma Entry Closing Date
Just a gentle reminder that the closing date for the receipt of Entry Forms and fees for the November Diploma exams is THURSDAY 1 NOVEMBER 2012. Entry Forms are required from new and continuing candidates. Late entries will not be accepted.
2012-13 Fees and Entry Forms
Details of examination fees and downloadable Entry Forms for the forthcoming year are now available from the Downloads section of this site: Downloads