IBSD Library Catalogue

We added some books to our library over the summer months. Poetry books, monologues, LAMDA anthologies and quite a few theory books/ teaching guides.

We’ve updated our library catalogue and this is now browseable online, through a rather remarkable website called ISSUU. Here’s the link:

IBSD Library Catalogue September 2013

When you click on this link, you’ll be brought to the catalogue. You can scroll through it, enlarge it and search it using the icons on the screen.

If you want a copy, please contact us and we’ll email you one.

You are more than welcome to visit us and browse the books in person. Just phone us on 01-2164270 to arrange a time.

If we get time, we’re hoping to review some of our new accessions soon.

Period Movement and Costume

A query from a teacher about the theory of Period Movement sparked a quick internet search.

I found a quite remarkable book called ‘Playing Period Plays‘ by Lyn Oxenford. It was published first in 1957 and it contains significant detail about dress, costumes, music and manners in various theatrical periods: Medieval and early Tudor, Elizabethan and Jacobean, Restoration and Georgian, and Victorian and Edwardian.

For each period, Oxenford considers the spirit of the plays of the period, movement in costume (including very detailed descriptions of costumes), occupations, manners and dances, and music. There are illustrations, historical notes, further reading suggestions and suggestions for scenes to practice the movement of the period.

Here’s a link to the book on Amazon.co.uk: ‘Playing Period Plays’

The one I got cost £1.90 plus postage.